Moral Monster | Does God command slavery? | Episode 1
Onesimus name does not literally mean "no longer slave," but rather the new identity ascribed to him was "no longer slave but beloved brother."
Philemon 1:16
It was because of this that he was given the name Onesimus, which in the greek means "useful," Paul illustrates that in Christ we derive our value and use.
0:00 - Intro
0:38 - What is your definition of slavery?
2:40 - What is the Bible's use of slavery?
4:48 - Biblical slavery is vindicative
4:52 - Totality of scripture gives clarity into Biblical slavery
8:07 - Christians have a history of opposing slavery
9:04 - Scholarly interpretation
9:15 - The theocracy of Israel amongst pagan nations
10:33 - More reasons why the Bible opposes slavery
11:29 - The supposed passages that shows the Bible supports slavery
18:21 - Could Israel do what they want with slaves from other nations?
19:18 - Conclusion
- Slavery and Leviticus 25:44-46 - Paul Copan
- Is Exodus 21:20-21 a manual for beating slaves? - The Freed Thinker
- Does the Bible support slavery? - The Beat Allen Parr
- Does the Bible support slavery - Bibledingers
- Almost every Bible commentary relating to this topic
- Slavery and the Bible explained - Mike Winger
- Rejecting the ridiculous idea that the Bible ever allowed slavery- Kyle Davison
- John MacArthur explains slavery in the Bible- Ben Shapiro interview
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Over the limits